Yoga for the Core


Join MyYogaPal today and get a total body bonus class!

If you like this class and want to connect with your body, reduce stress, decrease pain, and just feel better, then you don’t want to stop here.

You CAN feel better every day and take the time you need to feel like you. The confident, strong, and connected you. 

The struggle to find balance and give yourself time every day can be hard. You have so many priorities throughout the day, you forget that you’re the biggest one.

You’re not alone.

When you take care of yourself, you feel better. When you feel better, your world changes. You can take things in stride, instead of reacting. You can relax, instead of dwelling on the stresses of the day. You can take care of others with ease because you’ve taken care of yourself.

Taking care of your mind and body is a choice, and we can make that choice much easier.

Our membership, My Yoga Pal, is a life-changing yoga transformation to help you connect with your body, those you love, and your practice. 

I want you to know that you can take 30-60 minutes for yourself every day, and it’s not selfish. It’s how you give to others, by giving to yourself.

And you can start right now. 


Connect with yourself, your practice, and the yoga community as a MyYogaPal member.


Yoga might start on the mat...

but it doesn’t end there.

When you take care of yourself, something magical happens. You have the energy to make a difference in the lives of your family and friends. In your work. In your world. 

As you practice yoga daily, you can expect to receive more and more benefits. The key isn’t practicing for an hour or two a couple of times a week, it’s about showing up on your mat every day, regardless of how you feel. Consistency is the game changer! 

All you need is about 20 minutes a day to notice the difference.

When you become a MyYogaPal member, you'll have access to multiple programs with daily practices that can take you from a beginner yogi to an advanced practitioner. All you have to do is follow the path laid out for you and our amazing community will help you stay consistent and accountable.

My Yoga Pal isn’t yoga for yogis with the perceived perfect bodies and perfect poses. It’s for everyone, beginner to intermediate to advanced, all body types, and all levels of your yoga journey.

When you join My Yoga Pal, you choose to start feeling connected with your body, feel good in your own skin, and powerful doing everything you do throughout the day.

Today is the day for you to choose:

  • Less stress 
  • Decreased pain
  • Improved mood
  • Mental clarity
  • Increased strength
  • To make you a priority

MyYogaPal Membership Includes:

Beginners Yoga

A 30-day program created for beginners. If you're new to yoga, this is the perfect place to start.
The class lengths begin around 15 minutes each. We start with the basics and focus a lot on breath and proper alignment.
This is a great way to get used to cultivating a daily practice. Keep in mind, missing a day here or there is okay too. Show up and do the best that you can. You'll feel great!
Join MyYogaPal Now!


"A must have course for all yogis practicing at home."
An 11 day course that will teach you to practice yoga safely.
You will learn all my tips and tricks to keep your body aligned and stabilized properly.
You will learn how to listen and trust your body. Keep your body safe.
Practice yoga with confidence!
This course is suitable for both beginning and advanced yogis.
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A 90 day yoga program that will make you feel great.
You will experience less stress and gain more energy.
This program is meticulously sequenced to work different muscle groups on different days. 
It’s the perfect combination of variety and repetition.
Each class is around 20 minutes long which makes it easy to fit into your busy schedule.
You can expect increased flexibility in your body and your mind!
Where do I sign up?


A 90-day program designed to take your practice up a notch! Each class is sequenced to a fun "peak pose." It takes time to warm up and educate your body in order to practice these more challenging poses. As a result, each class is approximately 60 minutes long.
Similar to the Thrive program, you'll experience that perfect union of repetition and variety of classes and every 7th day, you'll get to enjoy a nice, long restorative class. And every fourth week we will also add more restorative classes to give your body a break.
By popular demand from early MYP members, pigeon poses have been added to almost every class. Plus you'll get to work on your splits. This program is designed to allow you to see your progress quickly! But remember, the real progress isn't about how many poses you can do, it's about how strong, confident and calm you'll feel. 
Sign me up!


Research has shown that it takes 66 days to create a habit. While 30 day challenges are a great quick-fix, something more substantial can be truly transformative.
Yoga Fix 90 takes you through an entire three months of yoga, focusing on all the main muscle groups, incorporating HIIT classes and - of course - a much needed restorative practice at least one time per week.
Once you’ve completed the challenge, try redoing one of the earlier videos to experience how far along you’ve come since starting out!
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7 Day Chakra Alignment

There are many chakras, or energy centers within your body. The main ones run along "sashumna nadi." It's like a superhighway running along the length of your spine.
The 7 main chakras begin at the base of your spine and move up through your body to the crown of your head.
These 7 classes are designed to get the energy flowing freely along your main channel. You may start to notice subtle changes or you could experience a big transformation!
Join & get started today!

MyYogaPal Perks

Each month a brand new class will be shared with our members. Members will have the ability to save this class to their own personal files. These classes will be available here for a limited time. When a new class is added, the old one will disappear. Make sure you're a member this month to get access to this month's perk. Sign up before it's gone forever!
I want this month's perk!


Meditation has many benefits including relief from stress. It also helps to control anxiety and reduces depression. 
"Meditate. Neuroscientists have found that monks who spend years meditating actually grow their left prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain most responsible for feeling happy. But don't worry, you don't have to spend years in sequestered, celibate silence to experience a boost." Shawn Achor
These guided meditations are about 10 minutes each. Begin your day with a meditation and notice how smoothly everything falls into place.
I need this! Where do I sign up?

Gratitude Corner

Turn gratitude into an action. The results are incredible. Make it a habit to stop by gratitude corner right before you go to sleep and write 3 things that you're grateful for from the day. You'll start to feel more positive and filled with joy as you continue this daily practice!
Join MyYogaPal Here

MyYogaPal Community

Connect with like-minded, awesome people, just like you! The MyYogaPal Community feature is amazing. You can meet Fightmaster Yogi's from around the globe. One of the best parts of a daily yoga practice is to meet and connect with others on the same path. Be sure to go in often, post about what's going on in your practice and your life and then comment on other's posts. This is how we build community. We are all connected! 
I want to be part of the community!


Join today by selecting the best membership option for you!




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(Regularly $159.99!)

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Get it now for 40% off!

(Regularly $159.99!)

Give the Gift of Yoga


"I GOT SIDE CROW ON BOTH SIDES TODAY!!! Oh my goodness, I didn't think it would ever happen. I still couldn't quite get the scissors version but like you say...slow is real. I will keep on trying! Thank you, as always... "

Day 16 of Thrive

"Thrive Program is completed - thank so much! That was a nice journey full of exciting disclosures of myself and my body! Yes, you are absolutely right - Yoga is a medicine for the mind, soul and body! Ready to continue with Shine - million thanks for your work!!!"

Day 90 of Thrive

"I was feeling a little stiffness in my back, neck and shoulders. I knew I needed a dose of yoga. I've been doing your wonderful YouTube vids but decided to get back to my yoga pal align practice today. So glad I did! Day 8 was all about strengthening and stretching out the back. It really helped loosen up my tight areas! Yay and thanks!! I feel amazing now!"

Day 8 of Align

RECHARGE with MyYogaPal

You take care of everyone. Your family, your partner, your friends. You might have kids that you're shuttling around from place to place. You may work at an office or at home. There's never enough time for you. Make time! MyYogaPal makes it easy. Just roll out your mat and push play. Everything is all laid out for you whether you're a beginner, intermediate or advanced yogi, there's something for everyone!

"Thank you. So far, I have managed yoga every day this year (with only a couple of drop offs). I have found the programs really great for keeping me on track. I am really reaping the benefits of a daily practice - I feel stronger, happier and so much more at home with who I am. Please keep the classes, the programs and the inspiration coming, you do an amazing job xx"

Day 3 of Shine

"Leslie, thank you so much for putting the Beginner's Challenge on MyYogaPal! I throughly enjoy these sessions and I appreciate the instructions for how to do the poses correctly."

Day 2 Beginner's Yoga


When you practice, you arrive in the present moment. Calm your mind. Connect to your best Self. This process of linking breath and movement reduces your stress. Your body gets away from "fight or flight" mode. You give yourself a much deserved break. Yoga is like medicine. To be effective, you need to take it every day. MyYogaPal gives you all of the programs and tools to make it easy for you to take your daily yoga medicine.

"I just finished Day 1. It had so many of my favorite poses, and I am really excited that you named many of them in Sanskrit! I really want to learn the names and the only way I’ve ever remembered them is by hearing them over and over. Thank you!!! PS maybe someday I will actually do the splits or headstand. You think?! 🙂"

Day 1 of Shine

"Headstand is getting easier every time! So empowering ❤️"

Day 15 of Shine

FEEL BETTER with MyYogaPal

Life is stressful. Your body and mind need a reset. When you take care of yourself you feel better. When you feel better your whole world changes. When you commit to your daily practice on MyYogaPal, you'll begin to see beauty in every aspect of your life.

"Hi Lesley, this was a wonderful practice. I hadn't done headstands for quite a while, but yay, I am still able to do it. I am really dedicated to include more yoga in my life in order to connect with you, our community and myself."

Day 1 of Shine

"In the beginning, there was a bit of muscling through in lifting my arms, now they come up with ease and I am able to soften. Thank you, MYP!"

Day 49 Thrive



And receive your bonus full-body class!
Available for a limited time.




Currently 40% off!

(Regularly $159.99!)

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Currently 40% off!

(Regularly $159.99!)

Give the Gift of Yoga

50% Complete

Two Step

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